Mouse-oriented gene map
Presented here is a genome-wide comparative map aligned, basically, in the order of MGI's linkage map of the Jackson Laboratory. Please note that these maps are constructed based on the NCBI's human/mouse homology relationships by Debry; we also employed the MGI's linkage data, if no data are available in the Debry's map. Comparative information of rat, mouse, and human genes are available through the useful links.

*gene id* Gene id's show the official gene symbols approved by the rat gene nomenclature committee.
*Alias* The internal processing codes for our experiments.
*RHdb* The official RHDB id's are shown linking to original RHDB entries. If not deposited into RHDB, the data are linked to the original RH scores in our in-house RHDB (no RH.## numbers; they will be deposited into the official RHDB soon). They also display original chromosomal assignment on the right.
*EMBL* EMBL's accession numbers of the corresponding genes.
*Unigene* Unigene id's, if found in rat Unigene database.
*RH fwk-marker* The most closely-linked fwk markers are shown, for each rat genes. They also accompanied by the original centi-Ray positions in our RH map.
*Chr(RNO)* "RNO"'s are assigned if any rat genes are RH-mapped. The continuous color represemtations show the most likely contiguous segments (i.e., syntenically conserved segments), at least based on our original RH data.

*Gene id's* Official gene symbols of mouse genes.
*Chr(MMU)* Chromosome assignments of mouse genes. Color representaions shows the contiguous syntenic segments, mainly adapted from the original Debry's map.
*MGI(Chr) and MGI(cM)* Precise map locations of mouse genes retrieved from MGI databases and Debry's map. The original MGI's data are cross-referenced through the items.
*Unigene* Unigene's id's if the genes are found in mouse Unigene database.

*gene id* Gene id's show the official gene symbols (in bold) and other aliases.
*chromosome* It shows the chromosome numbers in color representation. Syntenic conservations are highlighted by continuously-colored cells, based on theNCBI's Debry map.
*human map* Human gene locations are basically obtained from OMIM database. When no OMIM data are available, or OMIM data has possible errornous locations, other databases are employed. "ug" denotes Unigene databse and "bac" denotes a high-throughput genome sequecnce database (HTGS). (s) denotes the location based on synteny. These data are verified by manual inspections.
*omim map* This data show show the chromsomal locations accommodated in OMIM database containing small portion of discrepancy to other databases (i.e. different from Unigene databse and also inconsistent with syntenic conservations). Original OMIM data can be retrieved.
*Unigene* This data shows the chromosomal locations accommodated in Unigene database, also linked to the original Unigene data.